According to Wikipedia

  1. Midsummer, also known as St John's Day, or Litha, is the period of time centered upon the summer solstice, and more specifically the Northern European celebrations that accompany the actual solstice or take place on a day between June 19 and June 25 and the preceding evening.
This weekend we will have the most daylight hours of the year. Having been born and brought up in a tropical country in Central America the fact that the sun was still out after 6pm was a novelty and massive adjustment for me when I moved to Europe. Living in England, experiencing dodgy weather, I now know to fully appreciate these extra hours of daylight - and heat. 

Although it's meant a to be overcast and cloudy, make sure you make the most out of this weekend. I was meant to be celebrating at a Foo Fighters concert, but the hero that is, Dave Groghl broke his leg last weekend and so they have had to cancel. So instead it will be a Vietnamese supperclub. Whatever you end up doing, enjoy! And remember, that from now on the days will begin to get shorter and soon after that #winteriscoming (GOTreference) 

P.S. I'm having a glass of cava and grapefruit awaiting the news of a new baby coming into the world - come on baby Brado! We can't wait to meet you!!